
Monday, July 1, 2013

Update on Chloe reading

This past week I spent a fair amount of time trying to get to the end of 'The World of Capt. John Smith'.  I still have a little to go with it, but I should have it up and running for a show and tell next week.

This week I just wanted to share about Chloe and where she is at.

She just finished this book:

and begun this book.

Pathway reader - 3.1
There is a second Pathway reader for Grade 3 as well.

These particular books also have workbooks and teachers addition workbooks as well.  { Totally not necessary, but there for your consideration. }

Grade 3 Pathway Reading Series Set

If you're interested in these particular books you can pick them up individually or in a group set from Milestone Books

The readers are only $7.95 each.


  1. These are great readers! I couldn't believe how spot on they were for vocab & reading level. Really good & not dumbed down at all.


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