
Friday, July 5, 2013

Places To Visit

Well, this week I don't know if I should do a Weekly Wrap Up or Places to Visit.

But first - if you ever need cheering up, or you're bored just check out video's from these guys:

If you just want some more phonics work to do your head in check these out too:

If you want to have a serious and real moment this one is good to go:

Another serious and real moment all good to go:

Oh, an update?


Not much to tell.  School as usual.  Lots of it.

The good news is that those Touch Points from Touch Math are still a hit in the house.  Both Phebe and Hannah have been having fun with them recently.

{ Hannah playing with the Touch Points }

We also returned to CLE English.  I must be ADD or something.

For the fun of it I let Hannah start 101 - and for the fun of it she thought it was heaps fun and has done 2 weeks worth in 4 days.  Is that normal for bright children?  Or should I just be afraid?

She's still working on her maths, but they have her doing a LOT of sums now in each lesson.  That is slowing her down.  Who wants to go through 50 36 + junk sums each day { in one lesson } when you are 4 years old?  I can see that the novelty is starting to wear off.

In other news, Hannah has taken up Spelling as a serious subject.   She thinks that is fun too.  So we'll just go around the mulberry bush with her phonograms until she has the mastery for at least 40 of them { multiple phonograms } and then I'll offer her a real spelling program.

I suppose I should start thinking about what subjects she should really do next year.  So I have time to get something lined up.  It's still 6 months away, but oh my dear, if she keeps going the way she is I really will need "something" organised, instead of just winging it like I have up to this point.

Ok - my list so far:

{copywork & continuation of CLE and finish LTR}

{Rod and Staff continuation}

{Phonograms presented in context continued as prescribed above}

Nature Study
{I think I need to buy her an art book and send her outside}

{Just keep plodding along and rotate from the bookshelf}

History & Science
{She currently sits in and listens to what's being read - no writing}

What I really want for her to do is to spend time finding out about a heap of animals.  So maybe I will put together a special program for her on that.

Term 1 - Farm animals
Term 2 - Birds
Term 3 - Fish
Term 4 - Land animals

Something like that.

I don't want her to have to start anything serious for History until she is Grade 1 and we go back to the Ancients.  That will be in 2015.

{Just do what the other girls do}

{I suppose I could start the Children's Golden Bible for her and Phebe}

* * * * * * *

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