
Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 23

Wow, am I behind or what? 

Just checked the camera for show and tell and I had a heap of photos of the baby on it.

Will need a few hours to get some fresh show and tell.  :)

* * * * * * *

One of the photos of the baby.  Yeah, not so much a baby anymore.  :o)

Earlier this morning I had a shocking time trying to work with the flash on the camera.....

This week I thought I'd give Hannah some challenge words.  

Then we got that flash turned off.

Todays copywork ( for Hannah ).

Phebe pausing long enough for me to get a photo.

Composition Readiness by Chloe.  This is in preparation for the beginning of the progymnasmata next year.  Basically after reading a short story she summarizes it in 3 sentences, and does a quick little dictation too.  This is something new this week for her.

Chloe's skip counting worksheet for the day.  Quick count.  Not quite finished either.

Thanks for visiting.

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