
Friday, August 23, 2013

Pinterest Top 5 { Kindergarten }

{ Kindergarten }

     Today I want to showcase 5 little pins from my Pinterest Kindergarten album that might be useful to you.  There is sooooo much FREE stuff out there on the internet that we can use these days, and as it turns out, it's a lot more difficult to choose just a small group of 5 for sharing.  The list is not in any order, just randomly perused from my album for things to share.

Just click on each picture to go to the website that gives them away for FREE.  :o)

{ 1. }
sight word books

{ 2. }
Alphabet Animal Puppets

{ 3. }

Phonographs posters-there's a ton!

{ 4. }
Large Polka Dot Alphabet cards for your classroom!!!  FREE

{ 5. }

Free Printables of Initials - Each initial is filled with images starting with that letter.

So, what do you think of the idea of doing a Pinterest Top 5 more regularly?  I've got well over 100 albums that I can dig stuff out of.  :o)

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Love this! There are so many fabulous FREE stuff out there that sometimes I get "lost" so it's good to showcase the really good {free} ones that you come across! I love that you organised them by level. :)

  2. Hi Deborah,

    I'd like to start by saying that your Blog looks great!!! My name is Martin and I'm a teacher from Canada. I just started a new website called Resources4teaching where educators can buy and sell lessons and educational resources. We are new and are looking for people to join and put up their materials for sale on our website. We are having an iPad draw for the first 100 Vendors who join and upload at least 1 lesson /resource for sale on our website. There are absolutely no fees to join and you get to keep 70% of the profit. You can visit us at:

    If you know any other teachers who might be interested in this Website, please forward this to them and if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

    Have a great day


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.