
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ain't Got No Time For That

One day you wake up and you realise how quickly our lives become overly straightened and terribly congested.  It's not like it's a crazy dump out of nowhere either.  It's a slow creeping snake that takes it's time to sneak up and swallow us whole - if we're not too careful.

Well, my life this year has been a little like that.  A little.

So lately I've been finding things that need to be dumped. Things that take away my peace or waste my time.  I seriously have to re-write the fundamentals of my life.

Facebook was one of them.  I can hear some of you laughing { some of you will be realising that I didn't delete you, that I just closed my account } - especially my daughter, "you'll be back, mum". Some of you will know that it's not the first time I've quit facebook only to have me return at a later date.  At the moment I don't have any desire to return, but that might change next month, next year.  Who knows?

My place on the review crew another.  Can I just say how relieved and set free I am to not have any more anxiety attacks and conscience checks? I'm simply not cut out for that line of work.  

My blog, another place, but instead of completely abandoning her to the rubbish pile catapulting her into the next millennium, I'm just going to stamp on her a little and reduce her by some serious quantity - ha ha ha, perhaps it may lead to some better quality posts instead?  Who knows? Doubtful, but who knows. 

I threw out 3 books yesterday.  There's something VERY freeing in being able to do that.

Today I ate a fresh picked orange from out the backyard. Basic, simple, and delicious. That is how life should be.

Another area that I've been cutting back is spending money on school items.  It has now been over 17 days straight { just checked my last invoice and it says 5th August - so that actually makes it more than a month } that I haven't bought a single thing for school.  :o)  The temptation is still pretty high to go window shopping, but I am resisting.  God has already provided over, above, and beyond.  I'm not saying I'll never buy another thing, buy my spending habits will be severely constrained. 


  1. I hadn't noticed FB ~ but I am also cutting back there. It's only ever been meant as a safety line for my daughter in case she can't skype. I don't need the stress on the on~line arguments that seem to dog FB.

  2. I hear you on the fb thing, such a waste of time and quite often I would get on there just to check on things and 40 minutes later my house had gone to rack and ruin and chores were behind and it just threw the whole day of schedule. I really need to delete my account to but, I don't know, I feel like I would have no one to share anything with if I did that seeing as I have no irl family or friends.
    Anyway I too believe life should be simple, but I don't think anything is simple once your grown up is it.
    Oh for the carefree days of being a kid again!!
    Life is just overwhelming me at the moment, I feel like I am drowning with no one to save me.....
    I'm glad your not deleting your blog :-)


  3. I hear you on the fb thing, such a waste of time and quite often I would get on there just to check on things and 40 minutes later my house had gone to rack and ruin and chores were behind and it just threw the whole day of schedule. I really need to delete my account to but, I don't know, I feel like I would have no one to share anything with if I did that seeing as I have no irl family or friends.
    Anyway I too believe life should be simple, but I don't think anything is simple once your grown up is it.
    Oh for the carefree days of being a kid again!!
    Life is just overwhelming me at the moment, I feel like I am drowning with no one to save me.....
    I'm glad your not deleting your blog :-)


  4. Good for you! I have thought many times to get rid of FB. Before joining the Crew I actually visited FB less than once a week. I opened up my FP page (homeschooling6FB) when I joined TOS so I could get the products more out there. This past week I have been deleting many of the FB groups though and that has helped.

    One of my goals this year is to not spend on school throughout the year so far I haven't done that ;) I just bought another Latin book for Josh.

    As for being a TOS Crew reviewer I pray they will keep me for another year ;) I enjoy reviewing although I do understand it can be stressful at times. Almost every night I check to make sure I don't have a review due or one being late but I do enjoy writing them.

    Great post!


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