
Monday, September 9, 2013

George Washington's World

Well, time never stands still.  Here we are in September already and there are less than 4 months left to look at Renaissance History before we make the jump to Australian Studies next year.  Unlike the usual 4 year cycle, where they do Modern History - which is usually very American, we'll be mostly focusing on Australian History.

To date this year we've done SOTW III, started MOH III, and read The World of Captain John Smith.  We've also had a couple of other stories that fit the timeline nicely like Sacagawea, and the wonderful odd sets of book and movie like A Tale of Two Cities and Pride and Prejudice.

Today I'm going to start reading George Washington's World to the girls.

I really love Geneviere Forster's style of horizontal history.  In this particular book she picks up from 1732 and finishes with 1799.

In each section we are introduced to key players within the book.

Beautiful black line illustrations glitter the text throughout.

What is your family currently doing in the History department?


  1. We're using her Augustus Caesar's World. It is my favourite Foster 'World'. We've learnt so much.

  2. I LOVED that book. That is what got me totally hooked on them~!!


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