
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What We're Doing On Break

What do little girls do when they are on a school break?

Well, I found these two under the table in the school room reading.

The 4 year old did some colouring in her own spare time.

Mummy attempted to do a little video about Grade 2 math, but I got interrupted by 3 different children, so I gave up.

Mummy also worked on her spelling rule cards.  Today I got to number 44 - and there are still quite a few more that I want to add.  I am currently building it with an Indian theme, but will probably do a couple of versions when it's done, you know, with different themes.  Another thought is: should I number the cards or not?  I am currently numbering them.  When I finally get around to sharing them, they'll be free.


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