
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 33

Today the girls will be doing a happy dance.  They'll be working on the last page that I want from them from their spelling workbooks.  No more formal spelling workbook work for the remainder of the year. 

They'll have new books - leveled up, in January.

As some of you know, Hannah { Miss 4 } in particular, and I should also include Phebe { Miss 6 } because she's doing the same work, are doing awesome in the maths department.

This is Hannah's page from earlier in the week.  They've also been working on borrowing back { subtraction }.  I am so amazed at how quickly they caught on to it.

Chloe is doing extremely well with her Maths too.  She's working on her 9x tables.  As a side note, do any of you remember earlier in the year when I had to make a deal with her because the workload was just too taxing?  Well, it isn't anymore, and she does her full lesson now without any problems.

And now that the weather is warming up again I've moved the girls back out into the front room to do school.  Here's our basic set up.

You can see my teachers manuals for the Language Arts as well.  I cannot tell you how much these have helped, saved my sanity, encouraged me, taught me, and done so much good for us.  This way my children can have an awesome private school education without the expense.

I let Charlotte { Miss 2 } play with some Touch Numerals this week too:

Phebe finished 109.  Technically we still have one more workbook that she can do.

Hannah finished Learn To Read 106.

I also went shopping........... and I bought 3 more black line masters.  I'm still thinking that I need to cut what I spend, and we're getting there, but yeah, I obviously haven't got to zero just yet.  Two science, and one Australian History.  So, this week my photocopier got a good old fashioned workout.  More on those another day though.

My timers have also been getting a good workout this week too.  I sometimes forget how valuable and useful they are.  Definite keepers.  They help me, help the girls keep focus, and set time boundaries.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Spider Project

Today I thought I'd do a quick little show and tell with what we ended up doing on our Spider unit.

First I went and found some books with Spider information:

So they could just take some time having a look for themselves.

Then I decided that I would read this book to the girls.

Then the girls did some work on our Spider project.

We still have a couple of more pages to finish.

How did you use these FREE Spider worksheets?  Did you make it a project? Did you use them separately?

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Home Made Butter

Well, who would of thought I could make my own butter?  Not me.  As it turns out it is super duper EASY.

{ 1 }

I got out two left over cream bottles - I'd opened both and used some out of each bottle but before they could waste away I thought, nah, we should make some butter with them.

So I pulled out my mixer as well.

{ 2 }

I just put the cream into the bowl.

{ 3 }

Put the fluffy cream attachment on first, then did a few minutes with that until the cream was all nice and firm and fluffy.  Then I swapped over the attachment to this one:

{ 4 }

And let it run until the butter got separated from the buttermilk.

{ 5 }

Then I pulled out the butter and gave it a rinse in some cold water and squished out the excess.

{ 6 }

Then I wrapped it in glad wrap, shaped it, and popped it in the fridge to use in the next couple of days.  We are big butter eaters, so it won't take long to use.

Way too easy~!!

So don't throw out any cream that you can't use in a dessert - just make it into some butter instead.  :o)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Spider Day Pack { Freebie }

Today I made a little Spider Day Pack.

This is designed to be a FACTUAL project.

After I did all the computer work for it, I then printed it out, cut it down where it needed to be cut, and assembled it - so that it was ready to go for project time.  So technically it's not finished as in - a child has not completed the pack, but it's all put together ready for their little thoughts and color.

{ 1 }

I put the Spider questions on the left and the Spider Facts on the right.  I taped them side by side with some clear tape.  This made a book base. 

{ 2 }

Then I closed the book up and added the title page to the front.  Here is the title page:

{ 3 }

I cut and assembled the double sided Can, Have, Are flip book.  I cut to separate the three parts. Then I ran a strip of double sided tape on the back of the foldable and added that on the inside spine of the project.

Just an extra photo of what it all looks like:

{ 4 }

On the very back of the book base I added the last worksheet.

And voila~!!  We have a Spider Day Pack that can pretty much go with any little Spider story or research project.

If you'd like a FREE copy just click on through ANY picture sample.

All I need now is to find a little Spider story or encyclopedia entry on spiders to read to the girlies and then we can fill in our project book. :o)

Today I'm joining up with:

Homeschooling on the cheap 1024x504 Homeschooling on the Cheap: October 17, 2013


I hope you will join us.

Thanks so much for visiting.

Week 32

Yay, it's Friday..........the end of another week.  Stop.  Almost.  I somehow got coaxed into letting the girls have yesterday off in lieu of swapping it with a day on the weekend.  Oh, so close.

In the good news department Phebe finished up her reader this morning.

For science, we are now up to Unit 6, Lesson 6 - which means that there are only 7 more readings left in the book for us to do.  We are still doing some other science workbooky stuff as well, but yeah.

Both Chloe and Phebe are up to lesson 31 in the spelling department - only a few more lessons and we'll be done here as well.  { Don't mind the mangled ripped edges and sticky - a great idea of ripping the book apart to put into a filing system before use and folder afterwards when completed; only to realise that it would work better as a BOOK instead.  ha ha ha.  So yeah, I had to sticky them back up again. }

Now, while I am cutting my spending in the school department, I haven't managed to get it to a complete full stop.  Here is a new addition to the library for this month.

A very pretty hard covered, colored pictured book.

We've had another demanding week of Maths.  Chloe rowing through her 9x tables with division; Phebe and Hannah doing carrying and taking.  I am hoping to finally go and read - to learn - how to do multiplication with the touch points.  Yeah, I know, I should of already had this conquered, so at the very least I could of taught Chloe already - since this was the year that she had to do multiplication.  Bad mummy moment.  Better late than never hey?  Hoping that it helps her in a measurable way.  I'm also thinking that it'll be good for Phebe and Hannah next year when they hit the times tables too.

This week HAS been full with lots of bookwork and out of home visits and trips.  I just seriously need to commit to taking my camera with me more often, and take more photos in the home too.  I've been getting terribly slack in that area.

Additionally: I've really been enjoying the less blogging at this time in my life.  Although, to be honest, there have been many days when I think that I could easily put together a whole string of posts, but then I remind myself that I'm having a rest season.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Times Tables Mini Flip Books

     You know, you can never really have too many different resources in your educational backpack.  Ok, maybe you can; but if you're like me - you'll always be adding those little bits and pieces to help make learning fun and enjoyable.

     Today I made a set of Times Tables Mini Flip Books - in an Australian Animal theme.  Then I gave them to the girls to check out.  Instant fun.  They loved them.  { I figured that they'd be very handy for when Phebe and Hannah start learning their times tables in February - and since we'll also be looking at a lot of Australian stuff next year, I thought that it would be cool to do it all in an Australian Animal theme.}

I made a cute little cover page as well:

I even added a photo walk through too.

Inside the book are the 12 x tables - each page has 3 copies of the table.  Each table also features an Australian Animal too.

Yes, you'll probably need a guillotine to cut them, if not, you might need to buy one. :o)

I popped them in my store for $2.00.

Should I do a division set as well?

Oh, and if Australian Animals aren't really your theme, just email me, and I'll see if there's another theme that I can work them into.

I'd also like to give a FREE copy to the first 3 people who leave a comment on todays post.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

FREE Bird Day Packet

Today I have a FREE little Bird Day Packet for you.

Just click on any picture to go and collect a copy of it.

Don't forget to pick up the other free ones while you are there too.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Peek At My Week With English

Week 31 - English

A Peek At My Week

We'll be mostly using these:

{ Chloe will be doing: }

Starting a new workbook - 307
Diagramming Adjectives
Better Adjectives
Commas in Quotations
The Colon
Review and Quiz 1

{ Phebe will be doing: }

Starting a new workbook - 109
Adding Suffixes to y - part 1
Adding Suffixes to y - part 2
Naming and Doing Words
Adding Suffixes to y - part 3
Quiz 1

{ Hannah will be doing: }

Starting a new workbook -  LTR 106
New Sound - long sound of a
Starting capital letters
Long Vowel - Silent e
New Sound - sh
New Sound - long sound of o

{ Technically most of these will not be really new for her, but they're in her book anyway, so we'll do them. }

Spelling, Phonics, Reading and Penmanship are considered separate.

However, spelling and penmanship are also included in these workbooks.  I just like to do other stuff in addition to these.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Resuming School

Yay, today we will be back to school again.

It was a lovely 2 week break.

I've got all the pencils sharpened and ready to go.

10 more weeks left - and that will be it for the year.

Enjoying it while I can.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Another Card This Week

And our school break continues......  only 4 more days left though, so I'm trying to really enjoy them while I can, however, in all truthfulness, I so can't wait for next week.  One of the things that I'm really looking forward to is Hannah learning to carry in Maths.