
Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 33

Today the girls will be doing a happy dance.  They'll be working on the last page that I want from them from their spelling workbooks.  No more formal spelling workbook work for the remainder of the year. 

They'll have new books - leveled up, in January.

As some of you know, Hannah { Miss 4 } in particular, and I should also include Phebe { Miss 6 } because she's doing the same work, are doing awesome in the maths department.

This is Hannah's page from earlier in the week.  They've also been working on borrowing back { subtraction }.  I am so amazed at how quickly they caught on to it.

Chloe is doing extremely well with her Maths too.  She's working on her 9x tables.  As a side note, do any of you remember earlier in the year when I had to make a deal with her because the workload was just too taxing?  Well, it isn't anymore, and she does her full lesson now without any problems.

And now that the weather is warming up again I've moved the girls back out into the front room to do school.  Here's our basic set up.

You can see my teachers manuals for the Language Arts as well.  I cannot tell you how much these have helped, saved my sanity, encouraged me, taught me, and done so much good for us.  This way my children can have an awesome private school education without the expense.

I let Charlotte { Miss 2 } play with some Touch Numerals this week too:

Phebe finished 109.  Technically we still have one more workbook that she can do.

Hannah finished Learn To Read 106.

I also went shopping........... and I bought 3 more black line masters.  I'm still thinking that I need to cut what I spend, and we're getting there, but yeah, I obviously haven't got to zero just yet.  Two science, and one Australian History.  So, this week my photocopier got a good old fashioned workout.  More on those another day though.

My timers have also been getting a good workout this week too.  I sometimes forget how valuable and useful they are.  Definite keepers.  They help me, help the girls keep focus, and set time boundaries.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your girls are amazing! Not only advanced but their stickability. (not sure whether that is a word, Spell check doesn't like it)


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