
Friday, November 1, 2013

An Horse Essay + { Freebie }

Yesterday I decided that Chloe { Miss 8 } should start getting serious about writing.  She doesn't normally do a lot, and when she does, she often leaves out capital letters and full stops.  So it always put me off from going to the next formal step.  However, this week I got tired of waiting.  Yes, yes, I did.  So I pulled out an outline and got her to dictate / narrate to me what she knew from each point of the outline { well most of it anyway }.  I just wrote it down and today she copied it out for herself.

It turned into 3 pages.

Yep, her VERY FIRST full on essay DRAFT is 3 pages.

 Now that's saying something for the humble outline~!!

She also added a couple of pictures for presentation.

If you'd like a FREE outlining / essay pack for Horses just click below:

and today I am joining up with:

Homeschooling on the cheap 1024x504 Homeschooling on the Cheap: October 31, 2013

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

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