
Thursday, November 21, 2013


This week I had some more fun with canning.

In particular I canned up some awesome home made apricot jam.  I actually cooked it in the crock pot for about 4 hours, stirring occasionally.

I added 2 quarts blended apricot and 4 cups of sugar.

I water bathed them for 15 mins afterwards.

I also decided to try out a whole meal in a jar type of thing.  Chicken and vege soup.

I raw packed the diced chicken and added carrots, celery, beans, and onion.  To flavour I cheated and opened  up a few jars of Kantong to put in there.  I added a tiny amount of water to help swish it all in nicely.  Then I pressure cooked it for 1 hour 30 mins.

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