
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1st - 2015

Welcome to the 2015 year!  I hope that you all made it in good health and happiness.

I am now back to blogging after having almost a year off.  Although I haven't settled on how often I'll be here at this point.  I'm thinking 3-4 days a week?  I just really need to be somewhere where I can do my updates and keep track of the girls school work and offer my freebies to the world.

So how did your 2014 year go?  What did I miss?

The super big thing for 2014 here for us was the safe arrival of Noah Kadesh { # 9 in the line up }.  Conceived naturally in my old age, by surprise too, I might add.  As it turns out mangoes and figs do awesome things to your body.  ha ha ha.  :o)  I was just eating them to help get more healthy, and bam!  the next thing you know, I'm pregnant.

Additional to my pregnancy for the year I also:

.....moved house.
.....had to fight gestational diabetes { very doable but not that much fun }.  The good news is that it was totally manageable - so no insulin, yeah!!  However I did have to give up a LOT of favourite foods and take my blood sugars regularly.  Not much fun when a meal consists of a single mango and maybe half an avocado.  I also got in quite a lot of green juices. They worked awesome in keeping my blood sugars down.
.....conquered any and all weight gain in the pregnancy { no weight gain from weeks 21 to the very end } in fact I started losing weight near the end.  What little weight I gained in the first half of the pregnancy fell off within a week of birth.
.....chose some new school curriculum.  More on those as we progress through the school year.
.....continued homeschooling.  Managed to get 38 weeks down for 2014.
.....continued making school resources.   Paper and school work is a sad addiction.
.....discovered quite a bit about nutrition and food.
.....quit facebook { again } only this time it seems to be sticking!  It's been several months now.
.....continued to buy things in multiples. { 7 pairs of shoes in one day; 4 party dresses on another day }

Let's chat spelling:

This year for the blog I'm planning on a ton of spelling freebies.  If you use Wordly Wise books 2, 3, or 4, this is going to be your year for spelling resources from The Paper Maid.  Well, that's what I am hoping for anyway.  At this point I'm currently planning on sharing Roll My Spelling Words, ABC Orders, and Wordsearches for each lesson. I may have bitten off more than I can chew here, but we'll see if I can pull it off.

Let's chat math:

Then I'll also be sharing my Grade 4 Math homework worksheets.  The awesome and cool thing with those is that I also make interactive notebook versions as well, just in case you do notebooks instead of just worksheets.

But wait!  I know you want more!  ha ha ha - Guess what?  I'll also be adding some Greek worksheets too.
And because I'm such a failure at entrepreneurship - I'll also be adding a number of other printables as the year progresses as well.

As my gift to you to celebrate my return back to the blogging world - let me offer you a printable New Years Hat to start the year off.  Children LOVE hats.  I'm not sure what the attraction is, but they LOVE them.  It's a super quick activity for the New Year, so all my teacher friends won't find it taxing, just time saving.  :o)  Just click on Charlotte's photo to download.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you will become a regular follower again.  :o)  See you super soon!


  1. Yay! The first blog post of 2015.
    I love your freebies!! I am yet to sort out schoolwork for 2015, we'll mostly just be continuing on but I do want to change up our routine and add in a few different things like weekly worksheets and I have a few new art supplies I can't wait to try out.
    We won't be starting school for a couple of weeks yet though. Hubby is on holidays and we are taking a road trip so after all that is done and settles down we will get back to it.
    So glad your blogging again Deborah 😃

  2. Hey Cassandra! :o)

    A lot of what we're going to be doing is just a carry along too - but there are a couple of new things in there as well.

    In my tick list each day I have a space for an "activity". That's where I put the little extra worksheets { all different each day }. So their main routine stays the same except for all the worksheets I keep changing up each day.

    We're already into our 2nd week of school - so I've already got some show and tell for tomorrow. :o)

    A road trip sounds great! Hope you have heaps of fun. I look forward to reading about it on your blog. :o)


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