
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Maths for 2015

This year I have all 3 girls { Hannah 5, Phebe 7, Chloe 9 } using Saxon 5/4 as their main Math curriculum.

The book comes perforated, so I tore out the pages.  Yes, yes I did.  *gasp*  I did this so that each girl could work on Maths at the same time.  Nothing like waiting for 2 hours to do maths just because another child has the book!  I just paper clip them up and place them in an envelope.  Swapping in and out the lessons as required.  The only disadvantage to doing this is that they can't readily use the book to go back to a previously taught concept to self teach.

We also have the Saxon Teacher CD's.

How we do a lesson.

1.  Each child will take turns to listen to the lesson and practice parts on the CD's.
2.  Then they'll go off to do the lesson.
3.  I'll mark their work.
4.  If their work does not score well they will have to do the same lesson the next day, however it will begin with going through ALL the incorrect questions from the day before on a separate page.  We'll use the Saxon Teacher to explain each and every question needed.  I am usually present for most of this, but they can do it by themselves if I'm not able to be sitting there.  Once they've gone through all their incorrect work from the day before I take the worksheet away and they go off to start fresh in their workbook.  If they score well they get to go on to the next lesson the following day.  I try not to let them be stuck on a lesson for more than 3 days.  By day 2 I'm already looking for the big ticket problems to get extra help with explanation and practice.

Correcting lesson work pages.

I go through each lesson and circle up the question numbers of the ones that they got wrong and need to revise.  That's what those circled numbers are on the page.  Then we'll listen to the Saxon Teacher for the explanation and work through.  Sometimes these are printed pink, green, or blue.  Just a color so we associate them with correction.  White is for the lesson without mummy!  It's all THEM on the white.  :)  They cannot ask me how to do a question during white paper time.  I am only available during colored paper or homework/tutoring page time.

Home made workbook.

Bound and printed double sided.

I really like this method for the Maths.  It's working well for me.  It's hard work for the girlies though, as some of it is quite demanding.

We'll also be using some home made "homework" pages and perhaps an Australian BLM at some point as well throughout the year.   As a reminder to myself:  don't forget to upkeep their times tables too.

I've started making my "homework" pages available online here on the blog for free download.  Just click HERE to go to their listing.  I'll be adding more throughout the year.

I'll be joining this post up with:

2015 vcf week 2 button-001

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading how your Saxon math is going. I have looked at it s few times but the reviews are so mixed and i don't want it to be another curriculum that gets relegated to the storage house. My oldest has fallen so behind in maths ( and just about everything else for that matter but that's another story) so I subscribed him to maths online so he could go back and fill in the gaps etc but getting him to do it is another thing. Last year we went with the Australian curriculum targeting maths but *i* was the one who hated it. Way too much busy work. I ended up buying prime maths at the end of last year (it's based on Singapore maths ) so I am going to give that a try for a while with the other kids and see how we go.
    I really like how you explained what you do and how Saxon works, I have to do something for my eldest for maths that keeps him on track (or gets him back on track) and accountable.
    I was thing about going back to rod and staff but might look more into Saxon now.


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