
Friday, January 16, 2015

{ Week 4 }

This week we did Cleopatra & Mark Antony.

Now while they actually did end up with some writing, you know what I think?  Outlining lends itself to producing much better work.  So while I like the interactive notebook thing, yeah, outlining does a superior job of teaching writing.  It just produces more, much more, I think.  So on that, I might go back to some mind mapping and transfer that over to an outline and see what we can get out of that.  Just some thoughts there.

The girls did a *little* more Greek.

Hats abounded.

More free time free styled drawings.

An activity for one of the girls.

I also got the girls to check out this months calendar and fill in the numbers for it.

Another activity for a girl one day.

Another add on activity throughout the week.

This week I get to show you Hannah's work.  She totally aced this activity this week!  Yay!!  But the proof will be in the pink pudding test booklet though. :o)

Now while Hannah will write out her spelling words I am often finding a bunch of scribbles with them.  I find her drawings ALL OVER the place.

Hopefully by the time she's 9 her work will look more along this line.

Our gorgeous little Noah.

Phebe saying hello. :o)

This week I'll be joining up with:

 I hope you'll join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your boy is cute! I have yet to try out interactive notebooking myself. My kindergartener hates the cutting and gluing that's why I've been holding off. Hannah seems to be progressing well with her vocabulary! I struggle to teach vocabulary to my 2nd grader! It's amazing how you can homeschool your girls with a newborn. Hats off to you!

    Fluttering through the Seasons

  2. Noah is such a cutie and Phebe is getting so grown up!!
    I love Hannah's little drawings, Bella is like that, draws pictures on everything!!!
    I love the calendar idea, I might have to try that myself.


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