
Friday, February 6, 2015

{ The Week We Have Off School }

This week we had a week off school.  I still did the odd school planning.  The grade 2 lesson 5 spelling resources are now available.  Hoping to get the others finished before Monday.

* * * * * *

So today I thought I'd share a little conversation with you all by a daddy and a 3 year old.

Miss 3 at the back door:  "Let me in."

Daddy in the kitchen:  "Use your manners."

"Let me in."

"Use your manners."

"Let me in."

"Use your manners."


"Yes, use your manners."


Well, I've just rifled through my camera to see what I took this week for sharing.

Pictures of Noah,

a half smile,

and a coloring page done by Hannah.

Phebe had a morning out at the dentist and today we'll be at the park with some of the other local homeschoolers.

We watched "The Great Gatsby" last night and now Chloe has gone off with the novel in hand for a read.

Anyway, I hope your week went well too.

Today I'll be joining up with:

Weekly Wrap-Up

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.

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