
Monday, March 9, 2015

New Books

No flashy covers I'm afraid, but I still wanted to share about these new books that I got.

 I picked up 5 more Arthur Scott Bailey books:

And since we're doing Ancients again this year I also printed up 'Julius Caesar' and 'Cleopatra' by Jacob Abbott.  Part 2 of each book is underneath Part 1.  { There are 93 pages each book - that's why I had to divide them into two parts. }

There are so many good books for reading, and many for FREE online.

I have a tablet that is loaded with books, but there's nothing quite like having print and paper in your hand when you can. :o)

Do you utilize free books on the internet?  Do you have any favorite authors?

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I am yet to go down the free books online road. I get a new iPad for Christmas so I could though. Can you share where you get them from?

  2. Amazon have a TON of free books and that is where I get most of my freebie kindle books from. I also visit this blog: when I want to peruse lists other books. When I want text I tend to frequent these days. I try to avoid gutenberg because they're mean and stingy with their images - ha ha ha, true story. I don't want to print out all their "legal" junk just to have a book with pictures. I like clean and crisp formatting that doesn't waste extra pages.

    Got to run, hope that helps. Noah is giving me a run for my money these days.


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