
Friday, April 3, 2015

{ Week 14 }

Am I the only mother to get anxiety attacks when I think about taking my children out for excursions?

Case in point:  this week we had the opportunity to go on a nature walk with the local homeschool community to our local wetlands.  I thought, oh this is a great idea, and then pretty much started having an anxiety attack straight away.  It got so bad this week that I was pretty much brought to tears just by the thought of the excursion.  In the end we didn't go, even though hubby said he would come with us and carry the baby the entire time for me.

I guess it was mostly triggered by the sheer amount of work involved in getting us out of the house, plus the needed materials, snacks and drinking water etc..  for the actual excursion.  I still can't fold/unfold the pram properly on my own either.  So whenever I need the pram, I also need another adult to help take care of that.  Additionally, the thought of trying to get the girls to do the remainder of their school work when we got home after a few hours out was totally messing with my little mind as well.  Let's just say it's near hopelessness when you have to pull off an afternoon of school after you've been out for the morning.  Yes, I may be flexible, but I guess perhaps I'm not as flexible as I might need to be.


Instead of just putting our copywork directly into our exercise books this week we tried it out on some worksheets, ha ha, and then put those into our exercise books.

If you'd like a FREE copy just click the photo to go to TpT - that's where I've housed it at the moment.  Oh, and I've also included the passages in task card form as well, just in case that works better for your situation.

This week I also decided that we needed to change things up again.  Yep, I do this pretty regularly just to keep the ball rolling.  Nothing gets stale in this house, that's for sure.

Since I have a box or so of CLE modules left over, I thought that it would be a nice change to do one for English - so that's where we'll be for the next three weeks.

I also took some time to do a little cursive instruction with Hannah { 5 } as well.  She really loved it.

And just for my old and waning memory, { that way I'll have something to look back on }, I took a completely random, off the cuff photo of the girls all sitting down for school.  This is where we do most of our bookwork, at the kitchen table.

Thanks for visiting.

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