
Friday, April 10, 2015

{ Week 15 }

This week we came to the END of our character text book.  Finally.
Now, we'll just cycle through them all again.  :)

49 characters over 49 weeks.

These two downloads are FREE here via the blog/store.

I also started a new read aloud with the girls:

I finally got a photo of Noah smiling.  He's 5 months now.

The girls spied one of Charlotte's projects this week and decided to join in:

And the amazing thing is that today we actually found a caterpillar dragging it's cocoon up the dining window to find a secure place to latch onto while it does it's little metamorphosis.

Nothing like seeing the real deal in real life.

We also took the girls out to the local Gymkhana on the weekend.

It was a lovely overcast day and crossing the bridge gave us this sight.

The girls on the day.

They had a great time, especially when they got to hop on a pony and join in with the games.

An exciting mail day also occurred with a new addition to the library this week with a 1948:

But more on this little book in the future, after I've had some time with her.

I try, really try hard, to encourage the girls to get their work done before lunch.  The theory is so that we'll have time for the cherries on top.  For time to follow personal interests etc...

This afternoon the girls did these in their leisure time { while Phebe worked on making game pieces to go with their Aztec game in the back of one of the books - which by the way you can see in the background }.

Today I'll be linking up with:

Weekly Wrap-Up

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Deborah, Will you please remind me what Character textbook you use? I love the look of it!

  2. Hi Michele, good to see you again. :o) Life's been super busy here, but I still think of your Weeks of Clean challenge!

    Achieving True Success: Building a Character Family

    They've got the book there for $20. { Which I think is a bargain considering how much we use it. }

    Don't forget { for onlookers visiting } the character worksheets above are FREE here on the blog. { both sets, each containing 49 characters to study. }

  3. Thanks bunches, Deborah!! Downloading now! And thanks for the link!
    Hey it is never too late to join us in 34 Weeks of Clean! ;)


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