
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

{ Week 18 }


Homer was a bard.  He was a bard because he made books.  People liked him.  And he was a boy.  He will be here if it was the olden days.

Homer made stories when he was young.  He had some fun in his life.  We do not live in books.  He has already died.

Homer was big.  He was kind.  He was happy.  I love doing this.

Hannah { 5 }

* * * * *

This week we started SHAKESPEARE!

What am I doing?  ha ha ha.

Nevertheless, we begin with The Tempest.

We also continue with our beloved Plutarch:  Marcus Crassus.

As a side note, did you know that he also wrote 5 hefty volumes on Morals?  Yeah, me either, but I am super interested in them.

A science notebook page before we went away on holidays.

Going to the beach for a look, see.

Checking out the sand.

Peeking out.

A favourite day.

Little tortoises swim.

How you pack for lunch while travelling.

A sketch from Phebe.

A picture of Chloe { now 10 }.

Now, I always find it easier to start new things after returning from holidays.  So on our return Chloe started these two books:

This one I picked up for only $16.50 in a Noosa second hand book shop.  In great condition too!!

Something that's been on the shelves for years.  Chloe will be reading it for Bible time.

I also got quite interested in Samuel Pepys due to Jeanne's post on her blog { A Peaceful Day }.  And low and behold when I got home I found this on my shelf.  I've had it for years and never knew how awesome and handy it would come.  Yay!!  Additionally, I've also ordered myself a copy of his Diaries.  Can't wait for when we finally get to reading it.

Nature Study this week:

I think the girls had fun discovering how a seed splits and allows the root to grow out and begin a plant.

Copywork by Chloe.  In many ways I think this "speeds" up our English lessons.  As in, the time it takes is actually less than what we would normally spend.   The girls find it to be much easier, but also, on the other hand, more instructional than the other different types of English lessons as well.

There's a lady called Amy on TpT that does these Bible Notebooks.  I've purchased a few of her mini lessons.  I really love them, and will buy more.  Here is one: Solomon, we did this one today.  For a $1, you can't go wrong.  I highly recommend them.  :o)

Also in our read alouds this week:

Absolute Zero

I got the ENTIRE set at market day for a song.  $4 I believe, if my memory serves me well.

Ok, think this might be enough show and tell for the week.

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Please tell Hannah I thought her narration was excellent.

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful week 18! :-)

  3. Chloe is 10 now? Where did the time go?
    I must say I love your lunches while travelling, I wish I thought of that. They look yummy!!
    I love (as always) seeing what you do for school. I usually check out your recommendations too, Thank you for sharing 😊 I will have to check out Samuel Pepys, he sounds like a very interesting fellow.
    Your beach pics are great!! Did they all like it? Noah is just so adorable, those eyes!!!!
    Looks like you had a great week.


  4. Yeah, Chloe is 10, Phebe 8, and Hannah 6 now. It's amazing how quickly time flies. Charlotte will be 4 in a couple of months too.

    The children LOVED the beach. It's too bad we don't live near the beach like before, otherwise I think now that the girls are a little older we'd be there a few times a week. Overall we had a great time away.


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.