
Thursday, May 21, 2015

{ Week 19 }

This week we began a new book in our read alouds:  

The Story Book of Science by Henri Jean Fabre.  So far it's been a great hit.  The girls are really loving it.  It can be found for free at, just click the cover to go there.  I also managed to secure a very nice full pdf version from online as well, { that's what I printed - it just saved me a ton of time instead of getting it all in piece meal from the Baldwin Project page. }


Also, this week I purchased the next ELA Interactive Notebook by Mandy Gregory in the series for the girls - we are using it for some of their activity time.  { Each day I give the girls a different worksheet activity - basically some busy work to consolidate or review things they should be able to do.  I use all different worksheets, from all different scources, and this week some of it will be from this book. }  Just click the cover to go and check it out on TpT.

End of the Year ELA Interactive Notebook (2nd Grade)

We also did some work out of this book for activity time as well.

Aesop Fables - The Kingdom of the Lion

ABC Order & some word definitions.
These words are taken from the Fable - Kingdom of the Lion.
The word meanings are written under the little flaps.

A meal at my place, no meat, just lots of vegetables and noodles.

Now that the girls have pretty much finished reading and writing their way through a heap of their text book I gave them all a copy of the test booklets to complete.  I've only scheduled a page per lesson time, slow and steady wins the race.  I've also told them that it's open book.  So they can use their text book to help find the answers IF they want to.  But you know children, rush, rush, rush - no time for that mum!  They just want to get through it whether its right or wrong.  If they get too many wrong I might get ugly on them though.  Yep, I'm scoring them!  I have the answers in the teachers manuals.  ha ha ha.

Noah asleep in his walker.  It's amazing how quickly they fall asleep.  One minute you can hear them making noise and the next, asleep.  After a quick photo it was off to the cot for him.

Thought I'd encourage the maths along by using a white board.
The 6 year old ended up taking longer.
The 10 year old ended up getting her work done quicker.

Although to be fair, Miss 6 did 8 lessons in 4 days this week, so I should totally cut her some slack considering her level and output.

This week we worked on poetry for copywork.

Hannah has started this book for devotions:

I like how the stories are short.  I also like that they have questions at the end.

Current devotions:

Reading Shakespeare:

We finished 'The Tempest' and have now begun ' A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

From our Encyclopedia we read about:

Adams, John Couch
Adler, Alfred
African Art

* * * * *
And that my friends ends this weeks summary.

Thanks for visiting.

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

ha, ha, ha, so true.


  1. Good recap! I struggle with my kids rushing through assignments too. At what age do you think they start to take pride in excellence instead of beating the clock? ;) haha

    1. Not sure really. Perhaps I think the key is when they are truly interested in the work itself? That's when I usually get the best work out of them. Other than that, I figure it's just time and maturity that will yield more attention to detail.


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