
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

{ Week 20 }

Yahoo!  We are now half way down for the year!  Or less if we decide to have less than 40 weeks this year.

Nature Study, when we were away on holiday, seemed to be restricted to water, sand, and a spider for the most part.  We spied this fine specimen in the front garden, and so we began to study it. We gently knocked out his web at one point as well and voila, when we returned the next day it was completely re-built.  Don't you just love his decorating style with the extra zig-zagging?  I also love how he pairs his legs.  Such a neat and tidy fellow.  His web was gorgeous and so meticulously woven to exact measurements. 

Additionally, we also went castle visiting.
Phebe in the stocks.

Hannah's turn.

I really dislike castles museums.  Am I allowed to confess that?  They give me the creeps!  Nothing more creepy than dead people and the like on display.  I only like the ones that are in books.  ha ha ha.  So we only stayed for a couple of hours, just enough to do a good round of everything on display.  Then off we went to do something else.

The character workbook is moving along nicely.

Working on their Anaconda theme.

Definitions, and opinion.  They just write their work underneath.

How to feed an Anaconda.
Practicing using the words:  first, next, then, last.

Something else that occurred to me this week is wondering WHAT type of books the girls, in particularly Chloe was reading.

So what I did was list them up with these categories:  Bible, Literature, History, Biography, and Science.   So now I was able to see at a glance what type of books she'd been reading, and which categories needed more focus.  We're pretty strong on Literature { novels } but yeah, we could really do with reading some more of all the others.

Reading this week to the littles:

Caesar's Triumph - I am really enjoying this book.

The Science Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre.

Plutarch - Marcus Crassus, as per Anne White's guide from Ambelside.

Shakespeare - Midsummers Night's Dream


* * * * *

Today I'll be linking up with:

Weekly Wrap-Up


I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I love your description of the spider =) How fun. Do you like your character notebook? I would like to do some sort of real character/virtue study next ear, but I'm not exactly sure what to do yet.

    1. Did you know that the zig zagging is intentional and part of his web design? And he rebuilt that too. I thought that was super interesting.

      Yes, we love the character book. It's our second time round. :o) I can't seem to get the real life character learning to match up to our book quite right though. ha ha So I'm hoping that at some point they will intersect. In the mean time they just get to read about it and put ideas into their minds.


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