
Friday, September 18, 2015

{ Week 34 }

Yep, Week 34, BUT.....

Before I do a quick catch me up on the older girls I thought that I'd quickly show you one my latest finds in the book department.

Who knew that Leonardo da Vinci ALSO wrote some FABLES?  Yep, me either.

The book is in particularly good condition too.   The beginning of the book even includes a little biography in relation to his fables.

It IS illustrated throughout, but yeah, just took a random non pictured page for the show and tell.

* * * * *

Ok, Now let's do a quick catch me up on Chloe { 10 }.

Math:  Currently working on Saxon 6/5 lesson 37.  Slow and steady wins the race. Remember that she can't do the next lesson till she scores over 80%.

English:  Currently working her way through Rod & Staff - book 5, up to lesson 36.  Additionally, she is also working her way through Climbing to Good English book 3 lesson 65.   M, W, F are for CtoGE while T & Th are for R/S.

History:  Currently working through 'Life B.C' and is doing Greece within the book.  She reads and notebooks a chapter each time. { Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays. }

Science:  Rod and Staff - book 5, lesson 42.  Only a few more lessons and the book will be finished.  Read and notebook  a chapter each lesson.  { Tuesday & Thursdays. }

Spelling:  Rod and Staff book 4 lesson 10.

Character:  This week we are up to Enthusiasm.

Reading:  Wow, she has now read over 100 titles for school time.  You can see her list under this years book tab above.

Bible:   Working the final CLE workbook that we have for her.  After that she'll be back to just reading.

* * * * *

Now Phebe { 8 }.

Math:  Saxon 5/4 lesson 51.

English:  Climbing to Good English book 3 lesson 29.  Rod & Staff lesson 33.

History:  Currently doing SOTW I.  Up to lesson 16.  { MOH I was earlier in the year }

Science:  Rod & Staff  book 4.   Does the same format as Chloe, read and notebook each lesson.

Spelling:  Decided to start her at the very beginning with All About Spelling.  She's flying through it and finding it super easy so far.  At book 1, lesson 10.  On days I don't have the inclination to sit with her she does R/S book 4.

Character:  This week she's up to 'Enthusiasm'.

Reading:  She's been doing super well in this department too.  You can see her list under this years book tab above.

Bible:  Currently reading 'My Picture Story Bible' by Dena Korfker.

* * * * *

Hannah { 6 }

Math:  Saxon 5/4 lesson 86.

English:  Climbing to Good English book 3 lesson 29.  Rod & Staff 3, lesson 33.

History:  Currently doing SOTW I.  Up to lesson 16.

Science:  Rod & Staff book 3.

Spelling:  R/S book 3, lesson 12.

Character:    This week she's up to 'Enthusiasm'.

Reading:    Hannah has also been doing super well in this department as well.  You can see her list of books under this years book tab above.

Bible:  Currently reading 'Picture Story Life of Christ'.

* * * * *
Yeah, so that's a quick outline of where we are at the moment for the bookwork.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Carol,

      Thank you for your kind comment. :o)


  2. The girls are getting so big!! They are beautiful Deborah :-)
    I love reading where you are up to. We don't seem to get anywhere near as much school done as you guys. I must knuckle down and get a bit more done I think. Especially with the end of the year coming up.

  3. Your curriculum looks wonderful! What are the differences between Rod and Staff English and Climbing to Good English? My son is doing R & S while my daughter is doing Christian Light. However, Climbing to Good English looks neat also. Does this incorporate writing also? It's fun to see what other moms are using. Thanks for all of the homeschool encouragment and ideas from your blog!

  4. Hi Briana,

    The difference between Rod and Staff and Climbing to Good English is that R/S are very repetitive on specific skill sets in each lesson. Like the whole lesson is basically only looking at one grammar skill. With CtoGE the lessons are very much varied. Yes, they also include some composition in there as well. As a parent / teacher I think my girls are getting more out of the Climbing to Good English at this point. I still like Rod and Staff, but at this time we are working out of the CtoGE.

    I highly recommend checking their samples out at:



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