
Monday, October 5, 2015

English Update for Hannah

Just a quick little update for Hannah { who is 6 }.

She has now started Climbing to Good English, book 3.

The book starts off with some nice easy review.

She will only need to do one page per day since it is above her grade level.

This week she also started a new Bible reading book for Bible.

I really love this book.  Gorgeous illustrations.

For reading she is nearly finished:

This is what she was reading this morning.

I love these books.  Short easy chapter reading.

What are your children using for English?

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wow! She is doing so well!! I love climbing to good English. (Thank you for recommending it too).
    At the moment we are using Primary and Intermediate language lessons,
    That children's bible is just beautiful!!

  2. Yes, the Climbing to Good English is actually turning out to be really good. I think I like it even better than Rod and Staff these days.


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