
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Catch Up Week

We are officially on school break at the moment, but yes, I am still handing out the odd bit of schooly work for the girls.

I found a great little 'Australian Golden Project Book' - unused I might add - for the girls to read and copy some insects out of.   Copy, not trace.  :o)

I have also started putting some Art Appreciation lessons aside for next year.   I very specifically went in search of prints, coloring pages to match, and a couple of good books for reading.

Since we aren't doing much schooling these days I've also had some free time to do some laminating.

A nice little Time center { that I picked up on TpT } for half and quarter hours.

The cards below are actually designed for a word wall, but I thought they'd be super handy as flash cards.  They work to compliment the morphology spelling lists { that I picked up on TpT } that the girls are currently going through.

Each spelling unit actually comes in 3 different levels, which I think is awesome.  That makes it super easy for me to divvy up the worksheets as I know Chloe gets level 3, Phebe gets level 2, and Hannah gets level 1.  The higher the level the more words the child has to work with.

Something fun and new that the girls have become addicted to is the game 'Cluedo.'

I hope you've enjoyed a quick peek into our week.

Are you on holidays yet?

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Copying the drawings is a good idea. Some of my dc got frustrated with nature study when they were trying to draw anything that moved around, so copying was helpful at times. They could still observe the real thing while it remained still. We're still finishing up lessons & will hopefully be done 2 weeks before Christmas. The Agony & the Ecstacy is another book by Irving Stone. It's about Michelangelo & I must read it again although it's quite a huge book.

  2. We are doing the same kinds of things around here this week. We are technically on break, but my son has a few things left to do. I am taking the opportunity in the mornings to do a music appreciation curriculum that I don't usually make time for, and then I'm bringing out some other random things just to keep their minds working...crossword puzzles, logic puzzles, copywork, etc. I'm really enjoying the relaxed pace! I'm glad you are enjoying your catch-up week too!

  3. We are doing the same kinds of things around here this week. We are technically on break, but my son has a few things left to do. I am taking the opportunity in the mornings to do a music appreciation curriculum that I don't usually make time for, and then I'm bringing out some other random things just to keep their minds working...crossword puzzles, logic puzzles, copywork, etc. I'm really enjoying the relaxed pace! I'm glad you are enjoying your catch-up week too!


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