
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Back to the Classics 2016

Oh my!

2016 could be a very interesting year.  I thought that I might like to link up for the 2016 Back to the Classics Challenge.

At any rate, even though I seriously doubt my ability to have commitment to the cause, I may be able to attempt and conquer some of it.   I think that having this list is going to help me for sure.

The following is a list of all the categories.

1.  A 19th Century Classic - any book published between 1800 and 1899.

My current choice: The Scarlet Letter

2.  A 20th Century Classic - any book published between 1900 and 1966. Just like last year, all books MUST have been published at least 50 years ago to qualify. The only exception is books written at least 50 years ago, but published later.

My current choice: The Great Gatsby

3.  A classic by a woman author

My current choice: Sense and Sensibility

4.  A classic in translation.  Any book originally written published in a language other than your native language. Feel free to read the book in your language or the original language.

My current choice: The Imitation of Christ

5.  A classic by a non-white author. Can be African-American, Asian, Latino, Native American, etc.

My current choice: Don Quixote

6.  An adventure classic - can be fiction or non-fiction.

My current choice: The Hound of the Baskervilles

7.  A fantasy, science fiction, or dystopian classic. Dystopian could include classics like 1984.

My current choice:  1984 OR Prelude to Foundation 

8.  A classic detective novel. It must include a detective, amateur or professional. This list of books from the Golden Age of Detective Fiction is a great starting point if you're looking for ideas.

My current choice: A Study in Scarlet OR The Moonstone { so many to choose from }

9.  A classic which includes the name of a place in the title.  It can be the name of a house, a town, a street, etc. Examples include Bleak HouseMain StreetThe Belly of Paris, or The Vicar of Wakefield.

My current choice: A March on London

10. A classic which has been banned or censored. If possible, please mention why this book was banned or censored in your review.

My current choice: Uncle Tom's Cabin OR The Picture of Dorian Grey

11. Re-read a classic you read in school (high school or college).  If it's a book you loved, does it stand the test of time?  If it's a book you disliked, is it any better a second time around?

My current choice: TBA because I can't remember reading a whole lot when I was in high school....... ha ha ha

12. A volume of classic short stories. This must be one complete volume, at least 8 short stories. It can be an anthology of stories by different authors, or all the stories can be by a single author. Children's stories are acceptable in this category only.

My current choice: Selected short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald

* * * * *

And just for fun, here is what I am reading this December:


  1. Great list -- but you might look for another choice for non-white author. Don Quixote is in Spanish, but Cervantes was white, so it doesn't fit that category. But you could use it for Classic in Translation!

    1. oh well, hopefully by the time I get there I'll have found a suitable book. Thank you for letting me know. :o)


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