
Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Curriculum List

Here's our basic outline of main subjects and curriculum for the 2016 year.

Additionally, I've hyperlinked as much as I could to where one may purchase the same or read about each product.

Chloe 10

Bible:  Bible & Rod and Staff Book 6

English:  Climbing to Good English { finish 3, start 4 }

Writing:  Writing with Skill 1 { finish 1, start 2 }

Math:  Saxon 6/5

History:  Mystery of History II + coloring pages { SOTW II as a reader }

Science:  Rod and Staff 6

Character:  Workbook

Spelling:  Wordly Wise 5

Reading:  Various { Please check our reading list tab for 2016 }

Vocabulary:  Word Master 6 + Vocabulary words

Greek: Elementary Greek 1

Nature:  Various { Golden Project Book - Australian Insects }

Phebe 8

Bible:  Bible Story books

English:  Climbing to Good English { finish 3, start 4 }

Math: Saxon 5/4 { Probably will start 6/5 before year end }

History:  Mystery of History II + coloring pages { SOTW II as a reader }

Science:  Rod and Staff 5

Character:  Workbook

Spelling:  Wordly Wise 5 + All About Spelling

Reading:  Various { Please check our reading list tab for 2016 }

Vocabulary:  Word Master 6 + Vocabulary words

Greek: Elementary Greek 1

Nature:  Various {  Golden Project Book - Australian Insects }

Hannah 6

Bible:  Bible Story books

English:  Climbing to Good English 3

Math:  Saxon 5/4 { moving into 6/5 early on }

History:  Mystery of History II + coloring pages { SOTW II as a reader }

Science:  Rod and Staff 4

Character:  Workbook

Spelling:  Wordly Wise 5

Reading:  Various { Please check our reading list tab for 2016 }

Vocabulary:  Word Master 6 + Vocabulary words

Greek: Elementary Greek 1

Nature:  Various {  Golden Project Book - Australian Insects }

Charlotte 4

Bible:  Bible Stories and coloring

English:  CLE - Learn to Read

Math:  Rod and Staff 1

Activity Worksheets { mostly phonics }


  1. As always I love reading what curriculum you have planned for the year.
    We had such a bad homeschooling year last year, so many interruptions, so much stress and worry etc. sigh
    I am determined that this year is going to be a much better year. I have our school room sorted and cleaned, I have all our curriculum planned, just waiting on some books from LEM and Milestone and one book from Chrstianbook for the eldest and we are good to go!
    I printed off your character worksheets too as we will be using those this year as well.
    I was going to do a blog post on our plans for 2016, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
    Thanks again for sharing Deborah:-)


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