
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 9

This week a bunch of the children got sick with a stomach bug given to them via their big brother, who obviously picked it up from work and so kindly brought it home to share.  So yeah, a few days of not so much fun.

Looking forward to Friday evening when our oldest son, who lives on the other side of Australia comes to visit.

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How I ask my girls to give me a one paragraph oral NARRATION.
First they READ a passage.
Me: What is the topic / main idea?
Child: Tells me the topic / main idea - usually the chapter title.
Me: Give me 5 details.
1. detail full sentence
2. detail full sentence
3. detail full sentence
4. detail full sentence
5. detail full sentence
Optional ending - opinion sentence { what they thought of a particular thing. }
The end.

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Craft for Miss 4 this week: { Ll is for ladybug }

Then I read this book to her for fun { and a little information }.

Miss 10 read this book:

Miss 6 read this, yes in its entirety, by herself:

We also spent a little time working on outlining a paragraph using 'key words'.
Outlining is a key skill for clear and precise writing.  It's also good for comprehension as well.  It takes a while to be able to do it competently, but we are making good progress.

It's amazing when the children learn the basic format: topic sentence { main idea }, detail, detail, detail etc...  and then being able to pick out the key words - once they get that they start flying.  It all ties in beautifully when teaching a child to write well.

Of course another week, another Van Gogh.  :o)

Drawn by Chloe { 10 }, colored by Charlotte { 4 }.

This week I thought I'd share another worksheet from my Scrappy Initial Letter Sounds.
Just click the worksheet to download.

Today I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! We had a stomach bug making the rounds here in the USA. I didn't think it was hitting Australia too. It made for a very difficult week for my family. Glad everyone is healthy again in time for your oldest son's visit. :-)


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