
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 26

I'm back and refreshed from my holiday over to the other side of Australia.  I went to see my oldest boy for 8 days + 2 travel days.   We also weaned Noah, who stayed home with daddy - I think it was perfect timing.  

Today I tried out making sour dough bread in a bag and here is the result:

The most success I've had with bread making, so I'm super happy with that.  It was also the EASIEST to do as well - so I'll definitely be doing re-runs and experiments with different types now in the future.

This week we are still doing the Robinson Curriculum and rather than just give you a chart of what the girls are reading I thought I'd give you a visual instead.

Chloe { 11 }:

Saxon as usual - one lesson a day.

And I swapped the writing portion out for this textbook usage this week.  

Just laying the foundations for Shakespeare with Tales from Shakespeare { Lambs }.

This book is huge, and has the complete collection.

Another huge book.  I've slipped it in under my science tab.  Just two chapters a week at this point, but we can always change it up as we go.

Yes, even text books can be used as readers - just do all the reading without having to exhaust yourself with all the busy work.  :o)  

And then a couple of times a week do a country as well:

For fun we're also including this as well, this week.

And this gorgeous collectable old time book as well.

And I think that  is pretty much what Chloe will be reading / doing this week.

Ok, let's move onto Phebe { 9 }

Saxon Math as usual { sorry no photo today }

And the writing was swapped out for this:

I just love OLD books.

From the RC list.

Good social studies reading.

From the RC list { Henty }

For science reading:

Hannah { 7 }


And like the other girls, I swapped Hannah's writing out for work from this book as well.

I have a heap of illustrated classics - not considered RC by any means, however I like them, so we use them.  :o)  

Another children's Bible - I can't even tell you how many different children's bibles we keep, it's probably criminal and very greedy, but it makes it super easy to keep re-visiting those stories with slight variations.

Another old time GEM I managed to score along the way - Great Events and Famous People.

Today she read about the Boston Tea Party.  Tomorrow it is Paul Revere's Ride by Longfellow, yes, Longfellow - at the precocious and tender age of 7.  That is what RC does for you.  It doesn't hold you up till your old and grey - oh no sir it does not, in fact, it does the opposite, it opens the world like a rare and beautiful flower and let's you taste the honey before the bees make off with it.

And boring science - for the time being.  ha!

This week I'll be linking up with:

I hope you will join us.

Thanks for visiting!!


  1. We've used the Robinson curriculum several times in the past. It makes so much sense and is so easy to customize to your family. :-)

    1. Yes, it's been very good for us for when we need to have rest but still do school. :o)


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