
Saturday, August 13, 2016

August Catchup

I got some lovely book buying done this month:

A History of England by Macaulay

and a 14 book ensemble by John Galsworthy.
I got this set for $1 a piece, yep.  Fantastic condition for their old age too!

I also made a yummy, scrumptious strawberry dessert too.
It is layered with thin strips of strawberry inside it as well.

and now for a surprise gift.

My latest project:  Great Men and Women.

Perfect for any Social Studies or Composition program.

Read the passage { geared for 4th grade and up } then
choose an activity to do.

Just click to download.
Edited to add that I've added a couple of worksheets at the end of the file, so if you already downloaded it you might want to re-download again.

Printing tip:  print back to back for the passage.

I've also been having more bread success:  we're up to loaves now.  :o)

The girls have been busy with some arty stuff:

and bows and arrows too:

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I love the girls art work. Very pretty. Bargain on the books!!! Wow, you have to be happy with that. I clicked on the little video of everyone saying hello, (it comes up after the bread video) and I can't believe how big everyone is getting. Look at Noah!! He is so cute.
    Hope you are all well Deb. :-)


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