
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 2017

2017 is here already..... yep, and so is school.  We are currently in Week 3.  

Art for Week 3 - Make your own jigsaws.

Purchase pre-cut jigsaw base, draw, and paint.
Then watch them get left all over the place in pieces instead of little plastic baggies.  Yep.

This year I have a Grade 7 highschooler, Grade 5, Grade 3, and a fresh Grade 1.   So, yes, there will be quite a bit to juggle time wise - I think I'll have more on my plate since incoming Grade 1's need so much oversight.

I've got lots of new material to play with, but I've also got a lot of the same old material - whichever really worked awesome in the past, that's what I'm keeping.  :o)

Now that we are back up and running, I must remember to keep the camera super handy.  Nothing beats a good show and tell as you make your way through the year, or want to look back on some of the highlights.

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