
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Letter of the Week { Cc }

Yay, another Letter of the Week pack!

I am so glad that I am making these packs, it's just too bad it has taken me this long to get serious about making them for the entire alphabet.  I find it's always super nice to wake up on a random day and go, "oh I need a worksheet for this.... " and voila, I'll have it good to go.  Additionally, even though Charlotte is already doing very well in the alphabet department, she is able to utilize a number of these worksheets as we go along too.

Yeah, so just right click the page above to download the main portion of this weeks pack.

In the second portion we have the bracelets, jigsaws, and odds and ends.

This is a separate download, please click the picture below for that particular pack.

And because I'm not really one for procrastination I also have the third portion all good to go as well today.

I hope you are enjoying these worksheets and that they are useful for you.

Thanks so much for visiting.

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