
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Chicken Noodle Soup

Imagine having a Chicken Noodle Soup like this, accompanied with a home made artisan rustic and crusty bread.

You know you want some winter comfort food.  We all do, so you are in excellent company!

So delicious.
So nutritious.
Simply divine.

Let your mouth start salivating while I tell you how EASY this was to put together.

To make the Chicken Noodle Soup you will need a Slow Cooker - cook on high for 4 hours - and:

{ Ingredients }

3 Chicken breasts
1 litre chicken stock
1 cup corn
1 cup peas
1 green capsicum
4 stalks celery
4 carrots
1 head of broccoli
When the meat is cooked - about 3 hours in - pull it out and shred it, and put it back in.

Add 250 grams of short angel hair
to be added half an hour before the very end with 2 cups of water.

And that is it my friends.  Just do the occasional stir and you will be all set to go.

It will feed about 8 people.

Now........ we are going to NEED some good old artisan rustic home made bread to go with it too.

This one is pretty easy as well.  A little time consuming overall - you know, with the wait times in between while the bread does all its rising, but it is worth the wait.

To make the bread you will need:

{ Ingredients }
3 cups of bread flour
1 cup of plain flour
1 tablespoon of yeast
1 tablespoon of sugar
410 mls of warm water

Use a plastic bowl.  For some reason it will rise better than if it was in a glass bowl - that has been my experience.
Mix by hand or spatula, cover with plastic wrap.

After one hour come and give it a gentle tap down, pick it up and roll into a ball again and cover again.  Use water, not extra flour on your hands. Don't over handle it.  Just a 10 second handle will be enough.

After the second hour repeat.

After the third hour repeat.

Pre-heat your oven at 200 Celsius about 20 mins before this last stage.

At the 4th hour you are going to prep your baking tray.  Try and aim for a flat pan - there's something about the thermal physics with that one.  I lined mine with olive oil and put on some wholemeal flour.  Just something to make it not stick there.

Now prep your dough.  Very carefully tip her out onto the tray.  You don't really want to bump or touch her much.  Put some sesame seeds on the top, then sprinkle some wholemeal flour { others usually use more finer flours } over the remaining exposed dough.  When it cooks it will give it that flour feel at the end.  Use a sharp knife to criss-cross across the top.

Pop her into the over and wait at least 40 mins.  Add some water underneath in a tin - that will give you a good crust.  Just have a look every now and then.  You can always check to see if she is cooked by sticking a kebab stick in the middle - and if it comes out clean - she's done.  I usually wait till she is nicely golden brown before I check.

{ Serving the children }

Generous servings of bread and butter { real butter }.   Everyone is forbidden to use anything less.  Butter is divine, nutritious, and the most amazing fat that can be paired with a decent bread.

With compliments like, 'My mum is a master chef' and about the bread, 'This is divine.'  You can't go wrong, I'm telling you.

Yeah, so there you have it.

I imagine winter will bring this dish around many times.

Thanks so much for visiting.

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