
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tin Can Pencil Containers

Heya lovelies!

Just jumping back in time to use my blog quota... I set myself a goal of 8 posts this month, but I was a little short, so I've come back to fill it out a little.

At any rate, today I made these super cute little pencil containers in about 10 minutes.

Super easy.
Super quick.
Super cheap.

Here's the supply list:

4 tin cans - cleaned
2 pieces of scrapbooking paper
double sided tape

Cut your paper to a fraction under 4 and 1/4 inches.

Run the double sided tape along all the edges of your paper.

Adhere to the can.

That's it.

These are perfect for holding scissors, pencils, textas etc....

Let me know if you make some too.

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