
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What Miss 5 did for School Today

Here's what Charlotte did for school today, she's 5.

Not photographed: I read her a Bible story, then I read her a story from SOTW I, and lastly I read her a nature story. 

{ Maths - Rod and Staff Grade 1 Book 2 }

{ Spelling } 

First, sort the ck words out of the bunch that's on the worksheet, glue those under the duck flap.  Then she wrote down a heap of /ck/ words and underlined the multiple phonogram ck.

 { Language Arts }

Two different worksheets.  One was focusing on the { ea } sound and the other word families ed and en.

{ Reading }

What she read to me today.  We discovered a new sound to focus on:  { ur }   As revision she also read an earlier story again, it also helps with reading fluency by revisiting previous stories.

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