
Friday, June 30, 2017

Interactive Bat Lapbook

We are really enjoying doing lapbooks.

This week Charlotte will begin a new one on Bats.  It's done in the very same format as previous lapbooks.  It's designed to take about 10 lessons.  Yep, a full fortnight - it might even take longer, depending on how many books you read alongside.


Photos of product placement
Cover page
Bat passage
Bat cloze { 2 different levels }
Bat answers to cloze
Bat vocabulary matchbooks
Bat pockets for mini books
Bat 4 point copywork
Bat 4 point writing
Bat opinion flipbook
Bat life cycle
Label the Bat
Fold up Book - KWL
Fold up Book - can, have, are
Fold up Book - book log
Compare and contrast
Bat fact flipbook
Bat coloring / craft pages

Interactive Bat Lapbook
Interactive Bat Lapbook
Interactive Bat Lapbook

Just in case you are wondering about what other types of things are in the lapbook you can easily check out previous ones to get a really good feel of what I put in them.  Additionally, you should also know, that I have been updating them if I find any errors or want to add new material.  Yeah, so there's been a few of those.  :)

And...... I'll do a follow up post with some pictures of the completed Bat Lapbook once Charlotte has some show and tell.  Keep an eye out for that!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Kindergarten and Grade 1 Spelling

One of the things that I love to do in Kindergarten and Grade 1 is to spend some time using Spelling as a way to teach and concrete in those multiple phonograms.

While it is entirely true that you could get through a complete year of spelling and multiple phonograms WITHOUT a curriculum, it just makes things a little more intentional to have the worksheets if you can get them.

At any rate, I've been slowly re-shaping and doing up some new worksheets to accommodate this years spelling.

I've prettied up the files with instructions etc.. and uploaded the first set on TpT.

A color anchor chart of the sound and word list
A black and white easy print anchor chart and word list
An easy print lined version for copywork, new word list, or dictation
2 x write the word worksheets
2 x circle the letter set to make the word, write the word
2 x choose the correct word, copy the sentences
Interactive notebook for the focus sound
Cut and paste words available
Read, Trace, and Write words with the focus sound - print
Read, Trace, and Write words with the focus sound - cursive

I do use another resource, also found in my store for the Monday portion, but I have added enough work to this file so that it can be used as a complete stand alone.

So if you are interested, please feel to jump over and check it out, just click the cover. 

Thanks so much for visiting.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

FREE The Parables of Jesus - The Lost Sheep

It's time for another parable, today: 

{ The Lost Sheep }

To download this FREE pack just click on any of the pictures above.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Interactive Plant Lapbook

Next week the girls will have another lapbook week off school.

The two lapbooks that we'll be doing are:




As you know I already made the Ant Lapbook, so today I went ahead and made the Plant Lapbook - so we'll all be good to go on Monday.

A cover...

What it looks like when you first open it up.
Vocabulary on the left.  I actually supplied 7 vocab words and a blank - so there would be some choice as to the level of child you were teaching to.

A cloze........ but there is a secondary cloze in the file for older leveled children.

The pockets.   I decided to add 8 sequencing cards to this pack.

Of course a good labeling exercise - as always.  :)
Cut and paste available.

Life cycle - cut and paste.
Just glue the appropriate information under each picture.

The compare and contrast exercise.
I also added a cut and paste for this as well.
If there are any other words you would like to see added to it,
please let me know, I would love to add them.

I included 3 different writing templates this time.
This is the junior one, and also shown is the copywork for it.

How it looks when you open up the 3 added inserts..
The left hand side is added at the left flap inner crease, the middle one added to the top,so it opens up from the bottom, and the third on, added to the right hand flap inner crease.

Clear as mud, sorry, but I've tried to explain how to put it together as best as I can.

The cloze and the pockets.

The drawing activity.

The little fold up books and sequencing cards.

A close up of the vocabulary words I chose for my youngest.
I'll choose harder words for the older girls next week.

Yeah, it's a bit of a solid project - because there's reading to do alongside it.

But at any rate, if you are interested,
you can pick up a copy from my store,

it's currently on sale for $2 - total bargain!!

Just click HERE to go and check it out.

Thanks so much.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That.

This week we worked out how to do our maps.

1.  Trace
2. Paint
3. Blackline

This is a combo effort with Miss 8 and myself.
It's based on SOTW 4 - Lesson 2a

Phebe and Hannah are up to lesson 10 in their Wordly Wise text.

Don't forget that you can pick up these little supplements for FREE here on the blog under the spelling tab.

Charlotte was reading this to me this morning.
I love how she is progressing.

We started a new Art project - and I gave all the girls a new little art book each in which to put it.
We'll be doing flowers.

Another new project is this little flip book that we're going to put memory verses in.

Yeah, so just wanted to do a little catch up.  :)

Thanks so much for visiting.

Friday, June 9, 2017

A Week of Spelling Grade 1

This week Charlotte worked on the { ir } sound for spelling.

Sort the words with the { ir } sound.

It's a flip book, lift it up and the words are underneath.

On the next page Charlotte wrote a page of words ( and underlined them ) with the { ir } sound in them.

Added to the top of the page as a flip page - on Friday we will see how many of these words she can read by herself and the ones that she gets correct she can color in.

Write the words that match the picture.

Make the words.

Choose a word that will make the sentence complete.
Followed by copywork.

Choose a word that will make the sentence complete.
Go back and see how many words she can read by herself and color them in.

I'm pretty happy with the competency with the { ir } sound now.

Wonder what sound we shall do next week?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Art Monday

Another Monday!!  My girls love Mondays because that is when we do Art.  Here's todays beautiful booty.

All 5 littles did a piece.

Phebe - 10

Chloe - 12

Hannah decided to detour from the program, so at this point I'm thinking she needs to go back and have a re-do.  Charlotte also decided to do her own thing, so what can you do at 5?  Noah had a ton of fun.  Normally he gets left out, but today he got in there and had a good paint.  I loved watching him poke out his tongue while he concentrated!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Directions for History Notebooks

Directions for History Note-Books.

I. All history students must use loose leaf note-books.
II. All notes in and out of class must be taken in ink. Do not take notes with pencil and then copy—it wastes time! The book is for use.
III. Outline your work.
A. Put the heading of each new chapter at the top of a fresh sheet and begin each distinct subject on a new page.
B. Leave a margin of an inch and a half, and indent each paragraph one inch more.
C. Leave a line between each large topic and allow several lines after each subject for note-taking in the class.
IV. Take most of your notes in “abstract” form. Take only important points in exact words, and then use quotation marks.
A. When taking “reading notes,” put in the margin author, title of book underlined, and pages cited.
B. When quoting from a compiled “source book” give the real author and work from which the extract is taken, then the “source book” and pages.
C. Every history student should be familiar with Perry’s “A Punctuation Primer, with Notes on the Preparation of Manuscript.” Am. Book Co. Thirty cents.
Note.—Pages 24-47 and 73-93 required.
Proportion of time to be spent in note-taking:—
Preparatory Courses, one-third of the time.
College Courses, one-half of the time.
Note.—This does not apply to specially-prepared history papers.

Interactive Ant Lapbook

Well, the week is moving along nicely and productively.

I've just finished making this little resource for when we hit up Ants.

A cover for our lapbook.

When you first open it up you have the flaps on either side and the passage on the first left hand insert.  The insert is cut to 8 inches, which is just a smidge thinner than your normal A4 size so that it will fit nicely inside.  I taped it to the left hand side flap in the crease so it just looks like an added page.

I chose these 4 words for vocabulary.  Who knew they molted along the way?  Or regurgitate their food to feed the young?  I've included cut and paste options for the vocabulary as well.

It's always a good idea to do some comparisons and contrasting - how are ants and spiders alike, how are they not alike, and how are they the same?

When you turn the passage over the underside has the cloze.  I also included a higher leveled cloze for older children in the file as well.  The pockets are on the underside of the label the ant activity.

What the lapbook looks like once you open it up entirely.  As you can see there is a middle lift up insert as well.

On top of the lift up third insert is the life cycle with cut and paste options available to glue in.

In the center we have the writing activity.  There is a copywork option available if your little is not up to composing their own sentences yet.  I have also included a higher leveled writing paper set for older children in the file. It's super cute because I added some more clipart to it.

This is the underside of the lift up insert in the middle.  Just draw the inside of your ant nest.  Always a fun activity.

The pockets all together.

The little books that go in the pockets.

Labeling the ant activity.  Cut and paste if the child is not up to writing them all out by hand.

So yeah, I am really happy with the formats of these lapbooks that I am looking to add a whole stack of different ones as we go along.  It's awesome that Charlotte is only 5 and I've got the next couple of years to do a whole stack.  Oh, and don't forget Noah - he's 2.5 already so they'll be great for him too when he starts school.

At any rate, if you're interested in this download I have it in my store { discounted actually } for a bargain $2.

It won't stay that way forever though - eventually I'll have to put it up to it's real price of $4.

Click HERE to go check it out in the store.

Thanks so much for visiting.