
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Directions for History Notebooks

Directions for History Note-Books.

I. All history students must use loose leaf note-books.
II. All notes in and out of class must be taken in ink. Do not take notes with pencil and then copy—it wastes time! The book is for use.
III. Outline your work.
A. Put the heading of each new chapter at the top of a fresh sheet and begin each distinct subject on a new page.
B. Leave a margin of an inch and a half, and indent each paragraph one inch more.
C. Leave a line between each large topic and allow several lines after each subject for note-taking in the class.
IV. Take most of your notes in “abstract” form. Take only important points in exact words, and then use quotation marks.
A. When taking “reading notes,” put in the margin author, title of book underlined, and pages cited.
B. When quoting from a compiled “source book” give the real author and work from which the extract is taken, then the “source book” and pages.
C. Every history student should be familiar with Perry’s “A Punctuation Primer, with Notes on the Preparation of Manuscript.” Am. Book Co. Thirty cents.
Note.—Pages 24-47 and 73-93 required.
Proportion of time to be spent in note-taking:—
Preparatory Courses, one-third of the time.
College Courses, one-half of the time.
Note.—This does not apply to specially-prepared history papers.

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