
Friday, September 1, 2017

Art Monday - Eastern Swamp Hen

We are still doing our Native Australian Birds for Nature Study and Art.

{ The Eastern Swamp Hen }

Let's start with a general sketch.

Then we'll give it a little water colour.

Then we'll add some information about our bird.

Then all the other little chookies in the house will do like-wise.

Yes, yes, they will.

They'll remember to write something important. 

And give it their personal touch.

Yes, so that's how this particular little project is coming along.

Don't forget to go back and have a look at our previous Native Birds of Australia.  I've tagged them under these headings:  Art, Australia, Bird.

We also started Native Plants of Australia too...

This one below:  The Common Heath, which is Victoria's floral emblem.

Yes, so that's what we've been doing.

Thanks for visiting.

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