
Monday, September 18, 2017

Art Monday - The Royal Bluebell and the Little Penguin

It's Monday again, and with that we come to another week of Art.  Today we did the native Royal Bluebell.  It is also known as the floral emblem of the ACT here in Australia.

Charlotte { 6 }
Yes, she really did this by herself.

My example and walk through.

Even Noah painted.

Phebe { 10 }

Hannah { 8 }

Chloe { 12 }

I am VERY happy with todays Art.

Last week did the Little Penguin:

Phebe { 10 }

Chloe { 12 }

This is the walk through I did with Charlotte.

Charlotte { 6 }

Thanks so much for checking out our work.

Do you combine Art and Nature Study?

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