
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Writing Elizabeth I Essays

First we start with a book.  It's an old time 1923 text from way back when.  I  LOVE  it because it lends itself so easily to outlining and writing.  It is out of print, but if you can get it, I highly recommend it and the remaining books in the series.

This essay became a 4 lesson project.  Three of those were for the reading, outlining, and writing drafts.  The last one was for proof reading and typing it up into a final.

With each sitting they would read a short chapter from the book.  Then they'd do the written work for it.

Outlines on the left, essay on the right, followed by a drawing.

Chloe { 12 }


Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Phebe { 10 }

Draft Work:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Hannah { 8 }

Draft Work:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

And just like that - she was ready for a Final Draft.
We just googled 'Elizabeth I coloring pages' and copy and pasted them into her file.

Thanks for visiting.

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