
Friday, October 6, 2017

Chloe Update

Today I just wanted to share some of Chloe's { 12 } recent work.

We are nearing the end of our Australian Emblem work.

I found some information online by googling, and then she did some copywork for the parts that she wanted to include.

Another essay for History, this time on Mary Queen of Scots.

{ Math }

She continues to work in Saxon 7/6 and toggle with Mathsonline.  Mon, Wed, Fridays are for Saxon and Tues, Thurs are for Mathsonline.

{ English }

This month she is working through CLE LA 409.  I originally pulled them out because I didn't want to waste the workbooks, and I wanted them used up.  As it turns out there were a few benefits to doing this, but the main one was that she was able to go back and learn some stuff that had evaded her English knowledge.

Since we've done a couple of these now I decided that it was a good fit for us and her as a subject, so I got everything organised and set up for a follow on for next year.  At this point I have the LA 500's all good to go, but I also have the LA 600's too - but I will make my final selection just before school resumes in January. 

{ Science } 

Chloe continues with her reading, summary copywork, and questions.  She enjoys doing her science this way, so for now we'll keep along the same path.

{ Bible }

Chloe is currently working on Rod and Staff Grade 7.  So that is nice.  She likes it, and that makes it awesome!

And now I leave you with a video of Chloe: A Day in the Life of a 7th Grade.

Thanks for visiting.

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