
Monday, October 30, 2017

Moving Across Australia

I'm all the way over on the other side of Australia again.  I've got 4 littles to keep me company until the hubby and Chloe get back.  Yep, hubby took Chloe { 12 } for a drive back to Victoria to pick up the trailer and bring it back to Western Australia.  A trip of a lifetime, so we took the opportunity.  She did get a plane ride over in the first round as well, but then, when dad arrived she went back with him to get the trailer.

Adrian did have a little drama coming over with the caravan, but amazingly it was not that much trouble - considering that it could have been.

And today they sent me some photos of the Great Australian Bight.

Yeah, so as we come to a close for the month of October, Chloe and the hubby will be travelling a good 7,000 kms back and forth across Australia.

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