
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Starting the School Year With.....

{ Chloe }

This year I figured that we could read some serious books, and read some fun books.  So I took the liberty of choosing the serious books.  I'll let Chloe choose the fun ones as we go along.

I'm actually sitting on the fence about her Science.  What I have is good enough, for sure, but I dunno, thought we'd actually start the year with a serious detour - that may or may not set a precedent for something else, since I just can't commit to starting our previously organised Science curriculum.

So yes, we are detouring with this:  an interactive foldable on the Digestive System.

Can't wait to see how it all looks when it's completed.

And as it turns out, Chloe decided that she didn't want to work on Saxon anymore - she was entirely happy to work from Maths Quest instead.

Then we finished up our first day at the beach....

This is Chloe and Noah.

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