
Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Little Charlotte { 6 } Show and Tell

Charlotte continues with Grade 1.

Here are some of the things she's been doing....

This months lapbook on Horses.

 I was very impressed with her effort on this activity.  She loved doing it and we discovered that she could read the words herself.  She did the whole activity by herself.  I don't know if it was a good thing or not that she didn't need me for it.  It's good because she's doing her own work, it's bad { read "sad" } because I'm not holding her hand anymore.

Today she worked on her Opinion paragraph flip book for Horses.  I asked her to write about what she feels, or thinks about them.  What did she like?  What does she not like?   Those are the types of questions we use for opinion.  We'll work on a Fact paragraph later on.

Her reading is phenomenal.  Each day she reads me two stories { at least }.  One from the book below, and one from another book.

She's been working a lot on First, Next, Then, and Last paragraphs for her English.  I do have another English on it's way for her to move into after we've finished with these. 

I've also moved her into some Time activities too - to make sure that she can read those clock faces.  At the moment my BUNDLE for it has 90 cards in it.  So plenty of practice.  :) 

Charlotte as she nears the end of this particular activity for the day.

And of course we still have some left over Spider stuff we need to finish.

Dissolve their prey with 'digestive juices'..... delicious.  ha ha ha ha.

We are now up to Week 8 in SOTW II.  I have started asking her for a sentence of her own making.  I then follow it up with a second sentence to help bulk out her written piece.

We are also working through the extra practice sheets for the CLE LA 1.  I just want to ensure that we have covered the main ground and that she has it pretty good in her mind.

And my last show and tell today for Charlotte is her character work.

Time is entirely precious, so that when you visit, I particularly want to thank you for your time. 

Thank you so much for visiting.


  1. That was a wonderful summary of her work. She sure is a smart one. How old is she?

    1. Charlotte is 6. Yes, she puts quite a bit of effort in her work and the result is awesome. :)

      Thank you for visiting. :)


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