
Monday, April 2, 2018

Homeschool Update Chloe

It's been a seriously long while since I did a straight out comprehensive homeschool catch up.  Nobody knows what my children are using these days, unless of course we're facebook friends and you visit my wall regularly.

I haven't even got a current curriculum list on the blog anymore either.  The years come and go like a blur.  { The baby is 3 already and pretty much toilet trained. }  We swap in new materials, we swap out old materials.

So, Thank you for visiting today.  Let me share with you about what my 12 year old is doing { she's about to turn 13 - and I was blogging about her as a 4 year old
- some of those posts may or may not be here on the blog  since I deleted the blog once upon a time ago..... but I digress }:

{ Chloe } 


Rod and Staff workbook 7.  At some point this year she'll make the jump over to book 8.  She truly likes it - the series has been a good and solid keeper.

{ English }

Currently using Christian Light Education { CLE } Grade 5.  Don't let those grade numbers fool you - there is some serious grammar in there!  And you seriously can't go wrong if there are quizzes and tests included.  I love that it is entirely open and go.  No prep work needed.

{ Reading }
Mostly at her own leisure, but occasionally I'll put a book in her hands.  She still reads a fair amount, but yeah... 

{ Maths }

This year we made a purposeful choice to allow her to use Maths Quest 8.  It is entirely inline with her grade level should she had gone to any local public school.   Some days are good, some are tough.  She will not give in.  She will not return to a lower grade.

This month she'll be swamped out with Geometry.  We'll be toggling between her main text book, maths online, and a pack of foldables that explains all the formulas.  I highly recommend getting the mathsonline subscription - we are entering our 4th year.  It is brilliant, and worth every. single. penny. spent on it.

{ History }

This year Chloe is using History Alive.  This book also runs current to her grade level.  It's ok.  Not brilliant, but ok.  But at least it lends itself to basic note taking skills.   A couple of paragraphs and it's all done.  So it doesn't tie her up for half the day.

{ Science }

This year we picked up something entirely new - and public school based. ie.  Australian.  It's Pearsons Science for her current grade level.  Read a chapter, look the experiments over, do a worksheet.  

{ Geography }

Ummm, guess what?  Yep, another grade level school text.....
It's serving its purpose, so there's that.

{ Art }

We continue with randoms each and every Monday.  Everything from Australian birds, to flowers, to girl faces.  Next term I have some construction animals for them to assemble.

{ LOTE }

I want them to learn Greek.  She would prefer French.  So, we toggle and somewhere in all of it we also did some Japanese.   We're still using Elementary Greek 1 and First Start French 1.  No serious progress has been made in either book, but we do a little here and a little there.  Sadly, there is no Latin on the table.  It's not even on the horizon.  You may shed a tear for me if you are so inclined.

{ Australian History }

This year Chloe is working from the BLM from a RIC publication book.  I have some gorgeous Australiana in books that I feel would prove to be a better resource though.

{ Literature }

Currently in a BJU Literature book.  She really likes it.  I think it's mostly a good waste of her time though because she doesn't use it the way its intended, you know, with answering detailed questions.  She loves the reading, but the questions don't really do much for her.

{ Randoms }

As you know I also throw in randoms.  This year they've done some stuff on spiders, horses, and salmon.  I just pick up pieces from the lapbooks for them.

{ Extra-curricular }

Chloe does Pathfinders, which is the Seventh Day Adventist version of Scouts.  There is a TON of camping.  She loves it.  Best thing since sliced bread.

* * * * *

All this school text book stuff, I'm starting to feel entirely sorry for the child.  What are we doing?  Just ticking the boxes on the Australian Curriculum Frameworks booklet?

We're definitely moving from Christian American to Secular Public and when I write it all here I am seeing this tragedy unfold. 

* * * * *

And then I had a bit of an internal crash.  Yep, I cried.  I resorted to public school texts because I have a lot of children to juggle, and I am doing it entirely alone.  I don't have the confidence that I should have.  I also do not have the intelligence that I should have.  And of course the season of one's life either enables or destroys you.... right now I'm in a bit of a low.

* * * * *

Then I remembered AO

and I thought, it's not too late, you could do that - well, at least some of it.

So I started building the book list.

I felt overwhelmed.  I felt sick in my stomach.  True story.

I cried some more.

I'll let you know if I get it together - or if Chloe will remain doomed to the mediocre public school education at home.

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