
Friday, May 18, 2018

Dominoes in Your Montessori Basket

Here's another activity that I have in my Montessori shelf.

It has a reasonable amount of dominoes.  Not bajillions, but a reasonable amount.  Probably perfect for Noah though at a beginning stage.  I would of liked more in the box because it won't take long before he figures out what he's doing and he'll need an activity that will take more than 5 mins to do.

I explained how to play and join them up.

Then I moved him to the floor to complete his activity.

As an additional note Noah is already returning activities to his shelf once completed.  That is one of the reasons that I really wanted to set things up in a Montessori fashion; I really wanted him to learn to put things away when he was done.  I'm happy with his progress.

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