
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

AO8 Week 4 Update

Yes, so how's this AO thing working out?

I think it's working out pretty good at this point.  We still need to work on those oral narrations though, but like all things, one thing at a time.

I still haven't jumped her to a book for Geography though, hence the map work in her notebook.


 Plant Life....

Bird Life in Australia....

So yes, the notebooking is going pretty good so far.  

We completed a Geometry topic, and added some foldables like this:

I actually picked it up from a Geometry Bundle on TpT     HERE.....

I'm thinking of picking up some of the other bundles as well.

Her compositions and narrations need a little help, but so long as I keep asking her to give me information on what she's read, she should improve.

I am also finding that she is able to complete the work in a more reasonable time, so that is a plus.  

She's still really enjoying the French and has several lessons down on Mango { we have a subscription } as well as her french workbook.

We shall add Plutarch to our list next week on a Wednesday.

Her FAVOURITE current book to read is Watership Down....

* * * * *

Here is our current tick list where everything is set out for the week:

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