
{ About Me }

The Paper Maid

Hi, my name is Deborah.  I'll be your hostess while you visit here at The Paper Maid. 

Come on in, grab a cuppa, sit down, and relax.  There's a lot to see.  Especially since my main goal with this blog is to do show, tell, and share.  I share a lot of my own personal worksheets as freebies. 

I am a stay at home homeschooling mum of 9 in Australia, and I've been homeschooling for over 20 years now.  Two of my adult children have already flown the coop.   At home I still have two young adults ( 22 and 21 ).  So, that means I only really homeschool the 13, 11, 9, and 7 year olds these days.  Baby Noah is 3 already.

Welcome to my very busy life~!!

Here's my email just in case you ever want to have a chat.  :o)


 Chloe - 13:

      Bible - Rod and Staff / Reading the Bible
      History – 
      English – 
      Maths – 
      Reading - Various
      Science – 
      Character - 
      Vocabulary - 

Phebe - 11:

      Bible - Rod and Staff
      History – 
      English – 
      Maths – 
      Reading - Various
      Science – 
      Character - 
      Vocabulary - 

Hannah - 9:

      Bible - Rod and Staff
      History – 
      English – 
      Maths – 
      Reading - Various
      Science – 
      Character - 
      Vocabulary - 

Charlotte - 7:

      Bible - Memory Verses
      History – 
      English – 
      Maths – 
      Reading - Various
      Science – 
      Character - 
      Spelling - 

Noah - 3:

     Rod and Staff Math 1
     Beginning Steps to Reading A


  1. Wow !! You are one busy super mom! :) And, I have to admit I'm super jealous that you're skiing & it's, it's 93 degrees and in the dead heat of summer. New follower. Stop by sometime!

    First Grade Fairytales

  2. So glad to get to know you better Deborah. You are a busy mom with a big gap in ages of children like me :) They sure do keep us young though. Many blessings!


I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave me messages. Thanks so much.