
Thursday, May 24, 2012

One of the exciting things that happen in grade 2 is that one gets to learn cursive handwriting~!!

We are currently using resources from  Just look under their worksheets tab.

 Now, Miss Grade 2 is a lefty - so neat handwriting is actually hard work, but she LOVES giving it a go.

I do sit with her - to watch for letter formation.  Some of those letters are proving to be very interesting.  LOL  The good thing is that I know that time and practice go a long way.

Do your students do cursive handwriting?  Got any suggestions or tips?

Thanks for visiting.  :o)

1 comment:

  1. wow, you are full of 'resources'!
    we haven't started cursive yet and my dd is in Grade 3! she's hanging out for it but I want her to get her basic writing in a better place first:)


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