
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yesterday I made up a little Multiplication Office for Miss 7 who is just beginning to learn multiplication.

 I took 2 file folders, opened them up and joined them together.  Then I added some blue background paper to cover the join and make it a little more pretty.  Then I added the 2x tables, a blank chart, and some fractions ( which I got off the net for free somewhere and when I remember where they came from I'll come back and put in a linky to them ).

Once we get over the initial hurdle of multiplication, I'll be adding division and fractions into the mix.  I am a firm believer that they go hand in hand and should be taught together.  More about that in future posts.

So anyway, back to the actual introduction of the 2 x tables.  Here's the lesson that we did.  Small stamps are HANDY to have for this type of thing.  As I was explaining how it was working, little Miss 7 got to stamp it out and then pop the answer in the box.  :o)

At the end of the lesson we put the information that we knew into her office chart.

Each time we have another lesson, we'll just add to the chart.  :o)  I figure that I have room for at least 4 more tables on the inside.  If I use the back of it as well, then we'll be able to finish them off completely.

I hope you'll join us again - and keep an eye out for further posts on multiplication - I've got some great little gems coming up for show and tell.  :o)

Thanks for visiting~!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. And I love that you fill in the chart as you learn.


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