
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Memory Link Up and Character Freebie

Wow, what a week~!!  It is soooo good to get to the weekend and have a break.  Don't forget to read on down till you get to this weeks character FREEBIE.  :o)

Welcome to week 4.

How did you go this week?

Here's what we should already have:

1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

 And here's this weeks addition:

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;


Here's this weeks FREEBIE - Character notebooking pages for the character:  Attentiveness.

If you have any ideas on how to make these pages more usable, friendly, or better - please let me know.

Thanks for visiting. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Letter /c/

This week I just wanted to pop in and do a quick show and tell on a couple of worksheets that Hannah ( 3y2m) worked on.  Oh, and to  give you all a couple of freebies too~!!

The first one was an activity on listening to the FIRST sound.

 This next one was about trying to match the pictures up with their names.  I had to help with that, but it made a nice little pasting activity.  :o)

If you're interested you can have a copy of the above worksheet, just click HERE.

And because I managed to find some time this afternoon to just sit and relax I was able to dig up an old file from a couple of years ago.  I figured that it would go well with todays letter.  Just click the worksheet.  :)

Thanks for visiting, and I hope that you can join us over at the Preschool Corner this week.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Time on School

Today I managed to get a rough outline of the amount of time that Chloe spent on school today.  Does that sound like a run on sentence?

Anyway - here's what I got:

She started school at 9am with maths and this took 1 hour and 15 mins.  It's long because she works slow, maths isn't her best subject, and she likes to get distracted.  We also had to go back and re-do a few sums because they were wrong and I wanted to rework them with her.  Then we jumped straight to Reading for another 1 hour.  Reading is long because of the bookwork that goes with the reader.  After this I let Chloe have a break.

Tally so far = 2 hours and 15 mins.

Resumed school at 3pm.  Doing English, Spelling and History to 4:20pm.

Then we finished off with Art to 4:45pm.

Tally at the end of the day was 4 hours for paper/bookwork.  Personally I think this is too long for a 7 year old.

Reading was separate - and I did that in the car when we were out at lunch.

Phebe also did a serious day of bookwork as well.  She's 5.

Like Chloe, Phebe also started at 9am.  She started with English / a MEP maths page / then Learning To Read.  She took her break at 10:30.

So she tallied in at 1 hour and 30 mins to begin with.

She resumed at 11:15 for 20 mins to do some more English ( an additional lesson ).

This brought her up to 1 hour and 50 mins.

At 3pm she went back to working on an additional Learn to Read lesson, then onto History, and then Art.

I think she might have had a break in there between the Learn to Read and the History.

Then finishing up at 4:45pm

That brought her up to 3 hours 35 mins.  Crazy for a 5 year old.

 Both girls did work on additional work, so that could account for the longer times for today.

Hannah, my Miss 3 also got to do a little work as well.  She did a color and paste activity for the letter /c/ and then played on Starfall.

I'd like to try this again on another day to see what we get, especially when they are not doing the additional catch up work.

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Medieval History Books

We finally got all our school finished for the day, and it's only 1:40pm.  Not too bad for me and the girls.  The big boys are still working though.

Anyway, while I was busy reading a chapter out of our Ferdinand Magellan history book the thought came to me that I should do some more show and tell on our History books that we've read this year.

So today I am going to share with you TWO books that we have read this year.

The first book I'd like to show you is 'The Discovery of New Worlds'.

We read this book earlier in the year, since this is the year that we are doing Medieval History.  The book itself is made up of 50 short chapters.  We got a FREE copy of it from The Baldwin Project.

The second book that I'd like to show you is 'Famous Men of the Middle Ages'.  Also FREE from The Baldwin Project. This book has 31 chapters with each chapter looking at a particular person in history.


I'd love to stay and chat, but little Miss has woken up.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today I was going to join in with a meme, but I didn't manage to get a photo of myself done, or finish it.  In fact I was pretty much resigned to NOT doing a post at all today.  

Things have been tough in the house and these last few days I've really been feeling it.  So the most that I can do at the moment is go with the moment.  In some ways this is a good thing.  It totally takes the pressure off, which helps.  Anyway, living in the moment has it's advantages - especially today when I went gallivanting across blogdom and got reminded of an awesome MATHS curriculum that is TOTALLY FREE.

Let me introduce you to:

Which stands for:

 Mathematics Enhancement Programme

We've actually used this curriculum in the past, and I would of kept up with it if I was smarter, and had more time.

This curriculum not only comes with CLASS BOOKS.  It also comes with lesson plans, copymasters, and teacher support.

In fact, I sometimes think that I might like to give it another shot at some point.

Either way, have you heard of it before?  Have you used it?  What do you think of it?

If not, I do recommend popping over there to have a look at what's on offer.  :o)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Winner of Giveaway~!!

Congratulations to Lisa~!!

Lisa was the winner of a copy of My Beginning Sounds and Writing.

 I'd also like to thank everyone who entered. :o)

Thank you~!!

 Some news:

I've been learning a LOT recently, and today I learnt how to upload my freebies to scribd.  So from now on I'll be posting them over there - which means that when you click on a freebie here instead of going to TpT to get the file it will automatically download from the browser here.

ps.  what do you think of my little elephant?  Isn't she gorgeous?

Psalms 103 Memory Link Up

This past week I committed Psalm 103:2 to memory.

How did you go?

Two verses down.  Yay~!!

Here's this weeks verse:

Psalm 103:3

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

We are only up to week 3 - so if you'd like to join in - please do~!!

Now, I also have something super duper special for you all today as well.

Here's a small collection of notebooking pages for the character - ALERTNESS.

 Just click on the picture above to get the file.

I am hoping to have a new set each week. 

These are the books that we're using with the notebooking pages:

and this one,

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

My gorgeous little baby Charlotte turned 10 months old.  She's also turned into a bit of a chatter box.  She loves to vocalize.  ps.  She's also a speed crawler.

I got to feel my FIRST earthquake this week.  

I didn't get to go up the hill this week because the new car had a serious leak and had to go back to the mechanics. It's fixed now though.

However, the boys went up though, and here is an 8 min video of it.  This is the first ski of the season for our family.  Daniel is in the green, Caleb is in the blue, and Adrian ( hubby ) is the one filming and skiing at the same time.

In our homeschool this week…

We had an awesome week OFF school.  I really made the most of it too by having as much slackness as I could tolerate before I needed to do something.  Had a few days where I even skipped doing the washing as well. Now that's pretty unheard of.  LOL

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

Pinterest has a LOT of cool ideas on there. 

I am inspired by…

The boys all skiing.  They made it look easy and fun. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…


My favorite thing this week was…

Finishing a new little workbook on beginning sounds.  I am currently having a little giveaway with it, feel free to enter - I think it still has one more day to go.  Just click on the sample to go to that page.

What’s working/not working for us…

Sending the girls to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can have some quiet time IS definitely working.

Questions/thoughts I have…

Hoping that I can learn to ski this season.   

Things I’m working on…

Character notebooking pages.  I'll be sharing the first set on my blog tomorrow.  Stop by for a great FREEBIE.  

I’m reading…

Bible devotional books.  

I’m cooking…

Beef Wellingtons today.  Bread and Butter pudding earlier in the week. 

I’m grateful for…

The freedom to be a stay at home mum.

I’m praying for…

The super power of forgiveness - so that I can forgive.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Thanks so much for visiting.  I hope that you will join us this week with the Homeschool Mothers Journal.